Tortoise Face Direction in Home According to Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

Tortoise Face Direction in Home According to Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

Tortoise Face Direction in Home According to Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra advise placing a tortoise, which can be in the form of a figure or a real tortoise in the house. It is per the principle that positive energies will be brought within the house for stability and longevity. The direction, which the tortoise faces, is an important aspect to maximize such benefits.

Feng Shui
North: This is considered the best direction to place tortoises according to Feng Shui, as the north happens to be the area of career and business. So, it protects and brings good fortune in career-related matters.

East: It’s suggested that this direction is most suitable for the placement of the tortoise if family harmony and health are needed. It also ensures good energy among the members.

Direction Facing the Main Entrance: Some consider it good to place the tortoise facing the main entrance of the house, as it would save the house from negative energy and protect the home.

Vastu Shastra
North or North-East: According to Vastu Shastra, the tortoise is usually kept in a north or north-east direction. This helps bring in prosperity and remove the negative energy from the home. The north-east direction also relates to wealth and happiness.

West: The tortoise placed in the western direction is believed to bring longevity and ensures prosperity, mainly to the children.
South-East: If one wants to enhance wealth and stability in that section, one may consider the south-east direction, wherein the controlling element is fire.
Placement Tips
Material: Of course, there is consideration of material. The metal tortoises are ideal in the north or west and crystal or wood tortoises are appropriately positioned in the east or south-east.

Water Feature: If the tortoise is placed in a bowl of water or near the feature of water, it enhances his positive energy, especially if placed in a north or north-east direction.

Placing this in the proper position according to these rules is believed to enhance its effect and bring into the home an element of balance and harmony.

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